Generosidade não é dar o que te sobra, mas sim o que te falta.
Repleta de carinho, amor e Sol!
Ando apaixonada pela música "Take it slow" do John Legend.
Definitivamente foi um fim-de-semana de estréias. Mas isto eu conto depois...
Aqui vai uma prévia.

4 comentários:
I'm lucky that I fully understand potuguese and therefore don't need to translate your blog. The translation provided by google is terrible.
Nice blog.
I find it kind of strange though, that you generously share so much of your most inner thoughts and sensitivities, yet you are very careful about what you want people to see and know about you. As if you were sending signals and waiting for someone very dear, whom you lost track of, to find you.
Or perhaps you know where this someone is, but you lack the courage to reintroduce yourself.
Well, don't take it personal, no malice intended.
I have the power to "see" certain things. Indeed, that's what my profession is all about. I should just not reveal everything I sense of a person, but I can't help it. So I'm going to stop here.
I hope you understand english, or else this is not going to make any sense whatsoever to you.
Then again, I have a strong feeling that you do.
Essa joaninha é quem penso que é? A danada faz falta, né? Tá aqui comigo no ninho, mas partindo amanhã...snif.
Guerreira, você acertou duplamente.
É quem você está pensando e sim ela faz muita falta!
Silence is a precious... it sharpens your senses.
Yep, your senses really start working then.
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